My name is Lisa McMahon and I have not written for Elliott Wave University before. I am, however, the webmaster of this site as well as the wife of the editor, Tim McMahon. While we have mostly published other people’s work, we have seldom published original articles devoted to this topic. When we first decided to publish articles specifically related to Elliott waves, we had a difficult time deciding what to use as a domain and site name. Our desire was for it to be a site where those interested in learning technical analysis could learn about Elliot wave patterns and the Elliot wave principle as well as find the tools that would help them use the knowledge they had gained. Sometimes it has been difficult to find much to publish which would satisfy this aim.

Which direction should I choose for my financial learning journey
As I thought about this site and its original purpose, I realized that there were probably many people who are like me and need to learn about technical analysis and other financial-related matters. With this in mind, I will be writing a weekly article sharing my journey down the financial knowledge road. This article will provide a little background information about me and why I believe that I should learn Elliott Wave Theory, amongst other things.
I am in my 50’s with one daughter just married (after finishing college) and one son in his second year of college. While my husband Tim has been involved in financial learning and application since 16, I have only been a sometimes-interested bystander. As I get older I face the reality that some day I may need to know all this stuff about finance if Tim should die before me (statistically likely). While I have been our small business’s bookkeeper since 1992 and also the tax preparer, I do not feel confident about other matters related to our finances.
Where to Begin
If I was taking a course in college, I would have a teacher and a textbook or two to tell me where to begin on this financial learning journey. As I am not in college nor have the time or serious interest for such a pursuit, I have a couple of options. I could see what my local county public library system has to offer. I could also ask my husband Tim to see what books he already has on his shelf. Or, I could search the Internet and follow random paths in pursuit of Elliott Wave Theory and the like.
What do you think? What should I do? Please respond in the comments below the route you think I should take.
Image courtesy of Stuart Miles /
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