J.P. Morgan and the Beginning of the Central Bank

Those Steely-Eyes of J.P. Morgan: Could They Help Us Today? “The Panic of 1907” vs. the “Debt Crisis” of 2011 If “legendary Wall Street figure” ever described anyone, it was turn-of-the-last-century financier J.P. Morgan. You can throw in “bigger than life” to boot. Morgan was used to getting his way. His steely eyes cast a […]

FED Insiders Doubt Quantitative Easing Works

Behind Closed Doors at the Fed: Ten Years of Research into America’s Central Bank During the past few years, The Federal Reserve has engaged in a “deliberate inflating policy.” This policy earned disfavor, both at home and abroad. Robert Prechter said this in the July Elliott Wave Theorist: “Foreign powers have been irate over the […]

The Federal Reserve Does NOT Control the Market

As the world’s leading stock markets continue to play stomach-hockey with investors via one triple-digit turn after another, the mainstream community takes solace in this core belief: No matter how uncertain things become, the Federal Reserve can at any moment swoop in to set the economy right.