When it comes to your money, pay attention to the pitfalls of linear thinking. The markets of today may not resemble the markets of tomorrow. Keep in mind the concept of dramatic change. This cannot be over-emphasized and bears repeating: Major change is not an occasional occurrence throughout history; paradoxically, it’s the only constant.
Market Myths Exposed: Inflation Is Not A Threat, Deflation Is
Most people are confident they can recognize a myth when they hear one: Wearing a hat causes baldness; eating a bunch of carrots gives you perfect vision; ‘light’ cigarettes are better for your health than the regular kind. But what about this sentence: Inflation is the number one threat to the US economy? Myth? You betcha.
How Might Gold, Silver and T-bonds Behave in a Bear Market?
Can you imagine a scenario under which precious metal and Treasury bond prices would fall together? Most people would think such an event would be impossible. Yet look at this chart and realize that gold and T-bonds have been going up together for an entire decade…
Understanding the Fed — Not Just the Myths About the Fed
If you would like to understand more about how the U.S. Federal Reserve works, you can spend time on its website — or you can get the real story. Elliott Wave International has collected eight of Robert Prechter’s most trenchant articles about what the Fed actually does. He takes on the misleading myths about the Fed and explains what’s really going on as he writes about these topics
The Wave Principle: Where The Rubber Hits The Road
You could be to technical analysis what tweens are to texting, and it wouldn’t make a lick of difference: You still wouldn’t necessarily be trading at your fullest potential. The reason being: Without Elliott wave in your technical analysis toolbox, it’s like looking at the world of opportunity through a narrow keyhole and ultimately missing the big picture. The Wave Principle can help you unlock that door.
You Still Believe The Fed Can Stop Deflation?
Think back to the fall of 2007. The deflationary “liquidity crunch” that over the next year-and-a-half cuts the DJIA in half, decimates commodities, real estate and world markets is only starting. Almost no one believes that the crash is coming — to a large degree, because everyone is convinced that the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank, with Ben Bernanke at the helm, will never allow deflation to happen: It can just print money! Well, take a look at these two charts EWI’s president Robert Prechter’s published in October 2007.
Your Cheatin’ Chart Will Tell On You
Hank Williams may not have known about Elliott waves, but he did know when a story doesn’t add up. Such is the case with the nominal rise of the Dow Jones Industrials from 2000 to 2007. In the language of country music, this stock index has a “Cheatin’ Chart” — it doesn’t tell the real story.
Fibonacci Techniques for Math Geeks — and Everyone Else, Too
It’s hard to imagine a wrong way to apply Fibonacci ratios or multiples to financial markets, and new ways are being tested every day.
The Stock Market Is Patterned — Here’s Proof
Understanding how the market progresses at all degrees of trend gives you an invaluable perspective. No longer do you have to sift through the latest economic data as if they were tea leaves. You gain a condensed view of the whole panorama of essential trends in human social mood and activity, as far back as the data can take you.