What Does NOT Move Markets? Examining 8 Claims of Market Efficiency

Economists love to talk about exogenous shocks — events outside of the financial system that cause markets to move. But what if it’s just talk and not real at all?

Surviving Deflation: First, Understand It

Deflation is more than just “falling prices.” Robert Prechter explains why.  The following article is an excerpt from Elliott Wave International’s free Club EWI resource, “The Guide to Understanding Deflation. Robert Prechter’s Most Important Writings on Deflation.” The Primary Precondition of Deflation Deflation requires a precondition: a major societal buildup in the extension of credit. […]

Same Day. Same Event. Same Market. Different Story!

Elliott wave analysts sometimes hear the criticism that patterns in market charts can be “open to interpretation.” Does that happen? Absolutely. (Although, there are tools an Elliottician can always employ to firm up the wave count.) But here’s the real question: What’s the alternative? Here’s Bob Prechter’s take on it.

11 Commonplace Market Views: True or Myth?

Do you believe that earnings drive stock prices and that it’s enough to simply beat the market? Better think again, once you read how Elliott Wave International debunks these market myths.

Why You Should Care About DJIA Priced in Gold

Of the many forward looking market indicators we at EWI employ, one of the most interesting tools (and least discussed in the financial media) is the DJIA priced in gold — “the real money,” as EWI’s president Robert Prechter calls it…