In this interview, Wayne Gorman, veteran Elliott wave analyst offers tips and strategies for trading options using Elliott Waves.
Tips for Trading Options with Elliott Waves
Choosing a Binary Options Broker

Tips on how to choose a binary options broker Choosing a binary broker is one of the most important decisions a non-US based novice trader faces. Which one should I trust? Which is the best? These are just a few examples to the questions arising when choosing your first broker. Before we try to answer […]
Tips for Investing with Binary Options

So you wanna be a trader. Easier said than done, my friend. A lot of guys step up and believe they can be successful at the game with no prior training, but this is actually the first step towards losing their money. Binaries are easy to understand, easy to use and can be profitable… if […]
Trading Volatility

Volatility is the amount that a stock moves over a given period of time. At times markets experience periods of low volatility when the difference between the highs and the lows are relatively small. At other times, the market may experience high volatility with wild swings from low to high and back again. Generally, high […]
Reasons Why Binary Options Attract High Pay-Outs
Binary Option Investments- Wikipedia defines binary options as high-risk financial instruments where a prediction is made regarding the price of an asset at a certain period of the day. These predictions are made in relation to small price modifications, and are therefore often difficult to make. This is what gives binary option trading a high […]
Control Risk With Options

Using a Triple Calendar Spread to Trade Google Earnings October 16, 2012 By J.W. Jones One of the most useful characteristics of options is their ability to control risk and achieve a high probability of success when trading impending earnings announcements. Google will announce third quarter earnings after the market closes on Thursday. It does […]
Trade Considerations for Option Expiration Week
What do girls and options have in common? Options Expiration- “The girls all get prettier at closing time.” ~ Mickey Gilley ~ Option Expiration Week By J.W. Jones Option trading is not “just the same as stocks.” It turns on the three primal forces ruling an options trader’s world- time to expiration, price of the […]
“Time” – Key Factor for Options Traders

Editor’s Note: Options trading is almost as much about buying and selling time as it is about the underlying stock or commodity. In this article J.W. Jones explains the relationship between time and the price of an option and how to maximize your return based on the time value. Tim McMahon~editor The Passage of Time Leads […]
Understanding Implied Volatility

Option Prices and Implied Volatility Understanding implied volatility in option prices is a key factor in profitable options trading. According to Investopedia- Implied Volatility is: The estimated volatility of a security’s price. In general, implied volatility increases when the market is bearish and decreases when the market is bullish. This is due to the common belief […]