“Kiss of Death” Stock Market Indicator

Government regulations require the disclaimer that “Past Performance is not a Guarantee of Future Results” but certain events tend to trigger other events. Or if they don’t trigger them they have similar causes or perhaps one is just an indicator that the other is in progress. Wise stock investors are always on the lookout for these types of indicators so they can be properly invested for the upcoming event.  In today’s article, we are going to look at an indicator that often (not always) precursors a market crash.

Forex Basic Terminology

You have probably heard the terms ‘leverage’, ‘margin’ and ‘pips’ in the world of Forex. To begin with, getting a grip on all the language should be the first step. It is essential to have a good knowledge of the terminology before you begin trading Forex. Everything can affect the market. On Monday it was reported the […]

Investing on the Edge: Buying Stocks On Margin

Buying Stocks On Margin The past few years may have been tumultuous ones for your investment portfolio, but stocks and other financial instruments have since recovered much of their value. At times like these, you may begin to ask yourself if there are ways to increase the return on your investment. Borrowing money to leverage your investments is […]