Fixed Annuities vs. Permanent Life Insurance

Fixed Annuities vs. Permanent Life Insurance – Which is better? The short answer is that neither is better, both serve unique purposes in your overall investment scheme and both may be necessary. An annuity is an insurance product that pays out income and is usually used as a part of your retirement strategy. If you are looking for […]

Investing for Retirement

Investing for Retirement One of the biggest worries about retiring is the question of how to fund your living expenses for the duration of your retirement period. Most people do the basic thing which is to invest in a pension plan through their employer. If you don’t already have a workplace pension in place and are over a […]

Form 1099B: Important Changes to Stock Reporting Requirements

Form 1099B In 2008, Congress under then President George Bush enacted changes to the Federal requirements for cost basis tax reporting that required stockbrokers to report this information to customers and the IRS. This legislation laid out the timelines for reporting the cost basis for various instruments and securities purchased by investors. When filing your […]

How to Handle an Economic Implosion

Is an Economic Implosion Imminent? In the following article from Elliott Wave International, statistical data shows it is coming and what you need to do to be prepared ~editor How to Handle an Economic Implosion I came across some research on the subject of worry. Here’s how it was presented: Things People Worry About: things […]

Financial Planning Software

Financial Planning Software – Is It Beneficial for the Experienced Investor? Financial planning software is being used by many experienced investors to track their investments and set proper investment targets and accomplish their goals. It can be used to formulate a well-planned budget and carry out a thorough examination of your investment portfolio and get a clear idea […]

Socionomics and the Misery Index

Socionomics is an area of study pioneered by Robert Prechter of Elliottwave International. It is the study of social mood and how it affects economics and politics. Traditional thought has it that good economic times cause euphoria and lead to investor optimism. Socionomic theory stands this on its head and says that investor sentiment is […]

J.P. Morgan and the Beginning of the Central Bank

Those Steely-Eyes of J.P. Morgan: Could They Help Us Today? “The Panic of 1907” vs. the “Debt Crisis” of 2011 If “legendary Wall Street figure” ever described anyone, it was turn-of-the-last-century financier J.P. Morgan. You can throw in “bigger than life” to boot. Morgan was used to getting his way. His steely eyes cast a […]

FED Insiders Doubt Quantitative Easing Works

Behind Closed Doors at the Fed: Ten Years of Research into America’s Central Bank During the past few years, The Federal Reserve has engaged in a “deliberate inflating policy.” This policy earned disfavor, both at home and abroad. Robert Prechter said this in the July Elliott Wave Theorist: “Foreign powers have been irate over the […]

Should Stock Investors “Fret Over Economy”? No — See Chart to Understand Why

The idea that the economy leads the stock market is false As the DJIA fell 2% to close below 12,000 on August 2, one theme rang across major financial websites. This CNN headline summarizes it: Stocks sink as investors fret over the economy (Aug. 2) The belief that the economy drives the stock market is […]

Deflation: The Trend That’s Become Too Obvious To Ignore

As the biggest credit bubble in history continues to shrink, consumer prices have stayed flat over the past several months, meaning there is no sign of inflation to come, despite growing commitments from the U.S. government. So what’s keeping inflation at bay, given all the stimulus money promised? The answer: Deflation — an overwhelming urge […]