You could be to technical analysis what tweens are to texting, and it wouldn’t make a lick of difference: You still wouldn’t necessarily be trading at your fullest potential. The reason being: Without Elliott wave in your technical analysis toolbox, it’s like looking at the world of opportunity through a narrow keyhole and ultimately missing the big picture. The Wave Principle can help you unlock that door.
Your Cheatin’ Chart Will Tell On You
Hank Williams may not have known about Elliott waves, but he did know when a story doesn’t add up. Such is the case with the nominal rise of the Dow Jones Industrials from 2000 to 2007. In the language of country music, this stock index has a “Cheatin’ Chart” — it doesn’t tell the real story.
Learn Elliott Wave Analysis — Free
Successful market timing depends upon learning the patterns of crowd behavior. By anticipating the crowd, you can avoid becoming a part of it. The Wave Principle is not primarily a forecasting tool; it is a detailed description of how markets behave. The progression of mass emotions from pessimism to optimism and back again tends to follow a similar path each time around.
Same Day. Same Event. Same Market. Different Story!
Elliott wave analysts sometimes hear the criticism that patterns in market charts can be “open to interpretation.” Does that happen? Absolutely. (Although, there are tools an Elliottician can always employ to firm up the wave count.) But here’s the real question: What’s the alternative? Here’s Bob Prechter’s take on it.
Bob Prechter’s “Conquer The Crash”: Eight Chapters For Free
When EWI President Robert Prechter sat down to write the first edition of “Conquer The Crash” in 2002, the idea that the United States would enter a period of what news authorities coined “economic Armageddon” several years later was unheard of. Anticipating the “sea change” that would come in the economic, political, and social landscape is the unparalleled achievement of Prechter’s best-selling book.
U.S. Stocks: Will The Bears Relinquish Control?
In case you were hiding out Tiger Woods’ style far away from the mainstream media over last month, let me be the first to say: January saw an abrupt end to the US stock market’s record-setting winning streak. Last count, the Dow Jones Industrial Average plummeted 4% in its worst monthly loss in a full year
Fibonacci Ratios & Elliott Wave Theory
This report takes a look at the basics of using Fibonacci ratios and Elliott Wave theory.