Bob Prechter Reveals the Most Dangerous Gold & Silver Myths

Right now, the gold BULL-ion bandwagon is more crowded than a New York subway train during rush hour. But before you squeeze your way into the crowd of passengers, you should know one thing: Those steering the course are using outdated maps based on ill-conceived notions and illusory hopes.

Take Time from March Madness for 2010’s Most Important Investment Report

You want to know whether to prepare for inflation or deflation? This report, with its 22 examples and 13 charts, will answer your questions.

What To Do With Your Pension Plan

There is no question that Robert Prechter’s Conquer the Crash foresaw and explained nearly every chapter of today’s financial crisis, years before it happened. Enjoy your 8 free chapters from the book with this free Club EWI report; here’s an excerpt from chapter 23, “What To Do With Your Pension Plan.” Note especially the last two paragraphs.

What Can Movies Tell You About the Stock Market?

Whether horror films win Academy Awards or not, they tell an interesting story about mass psychology. Research at Elliott Wave International shows that horror films proliferate during bear markets, whereas upbeat, sweet-natured Disney movies show up during bull markets.

How Safe Is Your Bank, Really?

So far in 2010, the number of US bank failures has reached 25, a rate of two per week. This compares to 25 total bank failures for ALL of 2008, and three for 2007. Yet — no matter how grave the data gets, few people imagine the corporate banking crisis trickling down to average Joe or Jane and their lollipop-dispensing drive-through bank tellers.

Paper Trading Is NOT What Will Teach You To Trade

“Some people advocate ‘paper trading’ as a learning tool. Paper trading is useful for the testing of methodology, but it is of no value in learning about trading. In fact, it can be detrimental, by imbuing the novice with a false sense of security in ‘knowing’ that he has successfully paper traded the past six months, thus believing that the next six months with real money will be no different. Nothing could be further from the truth. Why?” Elliott Wave International’s president Robert Prechter explains more in this important FREE report.

Gold: Best Supporting Role In Economic Downturns? Think Again

Everywhere you look, from the Red Carpet to Wall Street, gold is definitely in “fashion.” As for why, one word comes to mind: safe-haven. See, according to the mainstream financial experts, the more unstable the global economy, the greater the appeal for the precious metal. These two charts from EWI President Bob Prechter offer another perspective.

Learn Elliott Wave Analysis — Free

Successful market timing depends upon learning the patterns of crowd behavior. By anticipating the crowd, you can avoid becoming a part of it. The Wave Principle is not primarily a forecasting tool; it is a detailed description of how markets behave. The progression of mass emotions from pessimism to optimism and back again tends to follow a similar path each time around.

What Does NOT Move Markets? Examining 8 Claims of Market Efficiency

Economists love to talk about exogenous shocks — events outside of the financial system that cause markets to move. But what if it’s just talk and not real at all?

Surviving Deflation: First, Understand It

Deflation is more than just “falling prices.” Robert Prechter explains why.  The following article is an excerpt from Elliott Wave International’s free Club EWI resource, “The Guide to Understanding Deflation. Robert Prechter’s Most Important Writings on Deflation.” The Primary Precondition of Deflation Deflation requires a precondition: a major societal buildup in the extension of credit. […]