Investing in Stocks These days, many people set aside a portion of their money to invest in the stock market. This can result in a large payoff in the long run, as long as you are aware of the pitfalls and the best ways to invest. However, if you are new to the stock market and just looking to begin investing […]
Fixed Annuities vs. Permanent Life Insurance
Fixed Annuities vs. Permanent Life Insurance – Which is better? The short answer is that neither is better, both serve unique purposes in your overall investment scheme and both may be necessary. An annuity is an insurance product that pays out income and is usually used as a part of your retirement strategy. If you are looking for […]
Investing for Retirement
Investing for Retirement One of the biggest worries about retiring is the question of how to fund your living expenses for the duration of your retirement period. Most people do the basic thing which is to invest in a pension plan through their employer. If you don’t already have a workplace pension in place and are over a […]
Form 1099B: Important Changes to Stock Reporting Requirements
Form 1099B In 2008, Congress under then President George Bush enacted changes to the Federal requirements for cost basis tax reporting that required stockbrokers to report this information to customers and the IRS. This legislation laid out the timelines for reporting the cost basis for various instruments and securities purchased by investors. When filing your […]
What is a Moving Average?
Investing Using Moving Averages When investing in financial markets, there are many different indicators and systems that you can use to determine when to enter into a position, and just as importantly, when to exit a position. One of the most popular indicators that investors employ to help make intelligent decisions are moving averages. What […]
Stock Market Fluctuations
The Manic-Depressive Stock Market: What to Make of It The psychology of the market may be teetering on the edge The stock market: one week it acts like Dr. Jekyll, the next week it’s Mr. Hyde. That shift can even occur in the course of a single session. These dramatic fluctuations appear to be impulsive; […]
Has Wall Street Ever Warned You in Time?
Stock Market Turning Points: Divorce yourself from the crowd. Independence is good. In the play “The Secret to Freedom,” Pulitzer prize writer Archibald MacLeish had a character say this: The only thing about a man that is a man is his mind. Everything else you can find in a pig or a horse. MacLeish knew […]
Financial Planning Software
Financial Planning Software – Is It Beneficial for the Experienced Investor? Financial planning software is being used by many experienced investors to track their investments and set proper investment targets and accomplish their goals. It can be used to formulate a well-planned budget and carry out a thorough examination of your investment portfolio and get a clear idea […]