More Credit Default Swaps Means Trouble for European Debt

Government debt is no longer just a problem for emerging countries. Portugal, Spain, France and Greece (as we have seen in recent weeks) are living in fear of credit default. Consequently, the value of their credit default swaps is skyrocketing.

Same Day. Same Event. Same Market. Different Story!

Elliott wave analysts sometimes hear the criticism that patterns in market charts can be “open to interpretation.” Does that happen? Absolutely. (Although, there are tools an Elliottician can always employ to firm up the wave count.) But here’s the real question: What’s the alternative? Here’s Bob Prechter’s take on it.

What Chinese Malls Tell Us about the Economic Reality

Investor expectations are decidely bullish right now, and many people expect an economic turnaround this year. What do the underlying economic conditions suggest? The Chinese mall “The Place” demonstrates the contrast between investor hope and economic reality.

Europe’s Return to Risky Investment

Over 100 banks are opening soon, buying junk bonds is gaining popularity and emerging markets are the trendy investment. Sound familiar? Europe appears to be returning to some bad investment habits.

How Elliott Wave Principle Can Improve Your Trading

Every trader and analyst has favorite techniques to use when trading. But where traditional technical studies fall short, the Wave Principle kicks in to show you high probability price targets and, just as importantly, how to distinguish high probability trade setups from the ones that traders should ignore.

11 Commonplace Market Views: True or Myth?

Do you believe that earnings drive stock prices and that it’s enough to simply beat the market? Better think again, once you read how Elliott Wave International debunks these market myths.

Bob Prechter’s “Conquer The Crash”: Eight Chapters For Free

When EWI President Robert Prechter sat down to write the first edition of “Conquer The Crash” in 2002, the idea that the United States would enter a period of what news authorities coined “economic Armageddon” several years later was unheard of. Anticipating the “sea change” that would come in the economic, political, and social landscape is the unparalleled achievement of Prechter’s best-selling book.

Robert Prechter on Herding and Markets’ “Irony and Paradox”

Have you ever watched a dog interact with its owner? The dog repeatedly looks at the owner, taking cues constantly. The owner is the leader, and the dog is a pack animal alert for every cue of what the owner wants it to do. Participants in the stock market are doing something similar. They constantly watch their fellows, alert for every clue of what they will do next. The difference is that there is no leader. The crowd is the perceived leader, but it comprises nothing but followers. When there is no leader to set the course, the herd cues only off itself, making the mood of the herd the only factor directing its actions.

U.S. Stocks: Will The Bears Relinquish Control?

In case you were hiding out Tiger Woods’ style far away from the mainstream media over last month, let me be the first to say: January saw an abrupt end to the US stock market’s record-setting winning streak. Last count, the Dow Jones Industrial Average plummeted 4% in its worst monthly loss in a full year

EUR/USD: What Moves You?

What moves currency markets? “The news” is how most forex traders would undoubtedly answer. Economic, political, you name it — events around the world are almost universally believed to shape trends in currencies. Today’s (Jan. 14) new story, for example, is high up on the roster of events that supposedly have a major impact on the euro-dollar exchange rate. But let’s take a closer look at it.